Superbird 999/Corporate/Petty Blue Cars
This page was born out of the following threads: Dodge Charger . com / Aero Cars / 999 Superbirds
Dodge Charger . com / Aero Cars / Proposed 999 Registry
Dodge Charger . com / Aero Cars / Proposed 999 Registry
Why was the Plymouth Superbird built at all? One reason stands out among all others as dominant: To secure Richard Petty as a NASCAR driver for Plymouth. When Petty caught wind of the Daytona Charger being built for Dodge, he asked if Plymouth was going to construct a similar vehicle. The answer was no. Winning is really all that matters in racing. Petty knew this and knew his brick shaped 1969 Plymouths would not be competitive. So, he agreed to drive for, GASP, Ford for the 1969 race season. This was perceived as a significant loss by Plymouth. Significant enough so that, after several go/no go decisions, Plymouth decided to construct the Plymouth Road Runner Superbird to compete with the Dodge Daytona and Ford/Mercury cars. The Superbird satisfied Petty and he returned to drive for Plymouth for the 1970 NASCAR Season. At least that is the story that the public has been told. Other sources have speculated that the whole move to Ford was a power play by Maurice Petty to secure exclusive rights to the distribution of Chrysler race equipment for Petty Enterprises.
Chrysler documents dated 10-7-69 and 11-27-69 state that only six exterior paint colors were available for Superbirds. These were: EB5-Blue Fire Metallic, EW1-Alpine White, EK2-Vitamin "C" Orange, FY1-Lemon Twist, FJ5-Lime Light and EV2-Tor-Red. On the 10-7-69 document there is a cryptic reference to "other colors available inquiry #4923". No documentation has come forward to indicate that anyone ever utilized this 4923 ordering process.
When one looks at the factory Superbird dealer brochure, however, at the end of the list of available colors is "Corporation Blue". Someone, somewhere, decided that at least a few of the cars built to bring Richard Petty back to Plymouth should be similar in color to his Plymouth race cars. Petty's cars had been a unique, flat, medium blue for a number of years and the color had become a recognizable symbol of the Petty racing enterprise.
When one looks at the factory Superbird dealer brochure, however, at the end of the list of available colors is "Corporation Blue". Someone, somewhere, decided that at least a few of the cars built to bring Richard Petty back to Plymouth should be similar in color to his Plymouth race cars. Petty's cars had been a unique, flat, medium blue for a number of years and the color had become a recognizable symbol of the Petty racing enterprise.
NOTE: As we know, a very small number of cars were accidentally painted FK5 - "Deep Burnt Orange (Metallic or Poly)". These do constitute an 8th factory color although it is believed to be an unintentional one. And, in just the past couple years a documented RED Superbird surfaced bringing the known colors to 9.
This color is VERY close to the color known as "Corporate Blue" which Chrysler Corp. used on their signage.
12785 is the Ditzler code for the Blue "Corporate Identity" color. It is doubtful that Richard Petty chose his shade of blue to match the Chrysler Corporate Blue. When asked about the color of his cars, he related a story about how when it came time to paint one of their cars, they did not have enough dark blue to do the entire car. They looked on the shelf and found a can of white, that when combined with the blue, would be enough to paint the entire car. So they mixed them together and painted the car. Later, it was decided that the color was appealing, so they continued to paint their cars this color.
The code "999" was used by Chrysler to denote a special paint color not normally available among the paint choices for a given year. So, if you were a fleet buyer and wanted a bunch of cars painted your company shade of whatever, you specified the color and Chrysler just inserted 999 where a code such as FJ5 or EV2 would have been on the fender tag and build sheet.Since Corporate Blue was not a normal color applied to Plymouths in 1970, the cars that received Corporate Blue were coded 999. Understandably, the intention behind painting these cars and the closeness of the color to Petty's race cars eventually led to people calling these cars Petty Blue cars despite the fact that they were actually Corporate Blue. On the fender tag to the right, you can see the 999 code at the beginning of the second line from the bottom. This was where the body color was coded.
Also unique to Petty/Corporate Blue cars is the "C37D" code in the third line and the range of "J Numbers" found at the end of the 5th row.
The best explanation for "C37D" that I have heard is that it is a Sales Code for the Corporate Blue color. C37D appears on the fender tag in a location that is normally blank on Superbirds. It does not replace a typical code in the same way 999 would replace EV2. It is possible that, because 999 does not clarify which unusual color is to be applied, that a second code was necessary to show that Corporation Blue was the particular unusual color to be applied in this case. Please click the link below to see a copy of an internal Chrysler document discussing the process for ordering Corporate Blue on Superbirds.
The Vehicle Order Number or VON is an identifying number assigned to a hypothetical vehicle before it is built. The VON is found on most of the paperwork that is generated to describe the vehicle - Build/Broadcast sheet, Manufacturer's Statement of Origin and Monroney Label/Window Sticker. The VON also shows up in one location on the actual car - the fender tag. The VON can be seen in the photo of the fender tag above. It is at the end of the second row from the bottom. In this case, the number is "J99530".Preparation for building a given year's cars began many months in advance. What models, styles and options were to be built and how many of each, had to be planned out. When a last minute run of special vehicles such as the Superbird needed to be built, they received unique VONs. Normally a VON was just a six digit number. Superbirds have a VON that, over time, has come to be called its "J Number" because it is the letter J followed by five digits. NOTE: If one wants to absolutely technically correct, Superbirds were assigned a "Special Order Number" or SON as opposed to a VON but I will stick with VON so as not to confuse the topic even further.
Chrysler documentation shows quite clearly that the "Special Order Number"/VON/J Numbers for Superbirds were to range from J97000 to J99499. On the same documentation is the quote *TOTAL UNITS NOT TO EXCEED PROGRAM AUTHORIZATION*. Obviously Plymouth had no intention of producing more than 2500 Superbirds. The lowest VON I have heard of is very close to the 97000 beginning number. The highest non-Corporate/Petty Blue car I have heard of has the VON J98890.And yet, all the 999/Corporate/Petty Blue cars have J numbers higher than 99499. What is going on here? The best explanation I have heard for this is: because 999/Corporate/Petty Blue Superbirds were painted a non-typical (and originally not planned) color they were given a special run of VONs starting with the last number (or first number after) of the range of VONs assigned to Superbirds in the first place. The VON of the first Petty Blue Superbird is almost certainly 99500 as that car is VERY early in the production run. And these new VONs probably replaced existing VONs in the run of VON/J Numbers originally assigned to built Superbirds. If we had perfect documentation of all the VON/J Numbers we would probably find the same number of gaps in the list as there were Petty Blue Superbirds built.
Chrysler documentation shows quite clearly that the "Special Order Number"/VON/J Numbers for Superbirds were to range from J97000 to J99499. On the same documentation is the quote *TOTAL UNITS NOT TO EXCEED PROGRAM AUTHORIZATION*. Obviously Plymouth had no intention of producing more than 2500 Superbirds. The lowest VON I have heard of is very close to the 97000 beginning number. The highest non-Corporate/Petty Blue car I have heard of has the VON J98890.And yet, all the 999/Corporate/Petty Blue cars have J numbers higher than 99499. What is going on here? The best explanation I have heard for this is: because 999/Corporate/Petty Blue Superbirds were painted a non-typical (and originally not planned) color they were given a special run of VONs starting with the last number (or first number after) of the range of VONs assigned to Superbirds in the first place. The VON of the first Petty Blue Superbird is almost certainly 99500 as that car is VERY early in the production run. And these new VONs probably replaced existing VONs in the run of VON/J Numbers originally assigned to built Superbirds. If we had perfect documentation of all the VON/J Numbers we would probably find the same number of gaps in the list as there were Petty Blue Superbirds built.
Is the VON the same thing as the VIN? No. The Vehicle Order Number (VON) is a manufacturer's number assigned to a hypothetical vehicle. The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is the serial number of the car used for legal reasons such as assignment of title, ownership and licensing. The VIN is assigned to cars as they are built and often stamped into various body parts. 171684 is the part of the VIN on the fender tag shown above. The "RM23U0A" before the 171684 is also part of the VIN. There is no direct one-to-one correlation between VONs and VINs. In essence, if each car had a "name", the VON would be its name prior to its birth all the way through its production and up to the point where a dealership held it as a new car. Its name would change to its VIN once the car had been married to a purchaser/consumer.
So how many 999/Corporate/Petty Blue Superbirds did Plymouth build?
As with any unique situation, a number of explanations have surfaced over the years as to how the Petty Blue cars were built and how many of them were built. It has been believed for decades that about 50 Superbirds were painted 999 Corporate/Petty Blue. This number is probably fairly accurate. Also decades ago another number for the total number of assembly line Superbirds built showed up. That number was 1978. If Chrysler built 43 Petty Blue Superbirds (Richard's Race Number) as a marketing tool and you add that number to the Chrysler Historical number of 1935 you get 1978. Again, all of this is speculation. I doubt we will ever know with absolute certainty the totals of each color car built.
VIN Eng Trans Interior Seat Style Console J Code Data Source167148 V Auto Found to not be 999 98020 Bagshaw172601 R Auto Black Bucket Yes 98463 Winged Warrior List (EB5) 149861 V Manual White Bucket No 99500 Mike Angelucci 158628 U Manual White Bucket No 99501 Steve Vance158629 U Manual White Bucket No 99502 158630 U Manual White Bucket No 99503 158631 U Manual White Bucket No 99504 Mongold Owner158632 U Manual White Bucket No 99505 WW List and Owner Rick158633 U Manual White Bucket No 99506 Wildman158634 U Manual White Bucket ? ? 99507 Nascarxx29, Cars On Line, Owner - Barry Kanick?158635 U Manual White Bucket No 99508 158636 U Manual White Bucket No 99509 Winged Warrior List158637 U Manual White Bucket No 99510 164667 U Auto Black Bucket Yes 99511 Owners - Stevenson's166254 U Manual Black Bucket No 99512 Nascarxx29 99513 99514 99515 99516 169496 V Manual? Black? Bench? N/A 99517 Was on Ebay - Barry Kanick?175692 U Auto White Bucket ? ? 99518 Unknown Source 99519  169498 V  Manual  White  Bench  N/A 99520  Paul Jacobs, xxcarguy@blogspot 99521 99522 168774 U Auto Black Bench N/A 99523 Owner Ocheltree168775 V Manual Black Bench N/A 99524 Pettybird168776 U Manual Black Bench N/A 99525 Pettybird - owner171683 V Auto  Black  Bucket Yes 99526  Fitzgerald - owner 99527 170895 V Auto  Black  Bench  N/A 99528  Owner Gene 99529 171684 U Auto Black Bench N/A 99530 Photos on Ebay171684 U Manual Black Bucket No ? ? ? Winged Warrior List171685 V Manual Black No 99531 Owner - Robert 99532 172660 V Auto White Bucket Yes 99533 Owner - Jennings 99534 99535 99536 99537 176681 U Auto Black Bucket Yes 99538 Winged Warrior List176682 U Auto ?? ?? Bench N/A 99539 Winged Warrior List 99540 99541 99542 99543 THE CARS BELOW HAVE NOT BEEN CONFIRMED 999 179687 R Manual White Bucket No ? ? ? Winged Warrior List155787 U Auto White Bucket No ? ? ? Winged Warrior List158623 V Manual Black Bucket ? ? ? ? ? Unknown Source162287 V Auto White Bucket Yes ? ? ? Winged Warrior List167970 V Manual Black Bench N/A ? ? ? Winged Warrior List170238 V Manual ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? Winged Warrior List170239 V Manual Black Bucket ? ? ? ? ? Winged Warrior List171595 V ? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? Wildman177605 U ? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? Unknown Source
A couple of interesting things show up when the 999 cars are identified in the NASCAR list after it is sorted for VINs. One, the petty blue cars often fall at the end of a run of VINs. Also, they often fall in small groups. It is as though they were made in batches. Owners of these cars have confirmed that they went down the assembly line just like any other Superbird. They were bare shells painted Corporate Blue - not painted cars repainted Corporate Blue later.
0 0 Date Date VIN Running 0 VIN Rec Shipped Run Total J Number Data Source0 1 RM23 V 0A 149789 17-Oct Fri 19-Dec Fri Run 1 1 1 51 RM23 V 0A 149852 6-Nov 13-Nov 23 RM23 V 0A 149861 5-Nov Wed 11-Nov Run 2 10 11 99500 334 RM23 R 0A 155774 14-Nov 19-Nov 28 RM23 U 0A 155785 5-Nov 13-Nov 69 RM23 U 0A 155786 7-Nov 13-Nov 54 RM23 U 0A 155787 6-Nov 11-Nov 15 RM23 U 0A 155788 4-Nov 17-Nov 11 RM23 U 0A 155789 4-Nov Tue 12-Nov 18 RM23 V 0A 155801 4-Nov 12-Nov 25 RM23 V 0A 155802 5-Nov 12-Nov 86 RM23 V 0A 155803 7-Nov 14-Nov Run 3 30 41 120 RM23 R 0A 158577 10-Nov 10-Nov 80 RM23 V 0A 158620 7-Nov 13-Nov 70 RM23 V 0A 158621 7-Nov 11-Nov 73 RM23 V 0A 158622 7-Nov 11-Nov 137 RM23 V 0A 158623 10-Nov 13-Nov 92 RM23 V 0A 158624 7-Nov 11-Nov 116 RM23 V 0A 158625 10-Nov 11-Nov 127 RM23 V 0A 158626 10-Nov 11-Nov 294 RM23 V 0A 158627 13-Nov 14-Nov 500 RM23 V 0A 158628 18-Nov 20-Nov 99501 ? RM23 ? 0A 158629 Unknown Car ???99502 386 RM23 U 0A 158630 14-Nov 17-Nov ???99503 478 RM23 U 0A 158631 17-Nov 20-Nov 99504 512 RM23 U 0A 158632 18-Nov 21-Nov 99505 420 RM23 U 0A 158633 17-Nov 26-Nov 99506 473 RM23 U 0A 158634 17-Nov 20-Nov 99507 989 RM23 U 0A 158635 28-Nov 1-Dec ???99508 911 RM23 U 0A 158636 26-Nov 28-Nov Run 4 60 101 99509 ? RM23 U 0A 158744 Joe Ward list Known car 101 280 RM23 U 0A 160637 13-Nov 14-Nov Unknown car This is probably the missing 160687 below. 85 RM23 U 0A 160686 7-Nov 12-Nov 115 RM23 U 0A 160746 10-Nov 11-Nov Run 5 61 162 170 RM23 U 0A 161555 11-Nov 12-Nov 216 RM23 U 0A 161605 12-Nov 13-Nov Run 6 51 213 245 RM23 R 0A 162275 13-Nov 13-Nov 75 RM23 V 0A 162276 7-Nov 12-Nov 373 RM23 R 0A 162285 20-Nov 372 RM23 R 0A 162286 26-Nov 119 RM23 V 0A 162287 10-Nov 11-Nov 100 RM23 V 0A 162288 10-Nov 11-Nov 84 RM23 V 0A 162289 7-Nov 12-Nov 388 RM23 V 0A 162382 14-Nov 19-Nov Run 7 108 321 725 RM23 U 0A 163415 21-Nov 25-Nov Unknown car 321 426 RM23 U 0A 163447 17-Nov 17-Nov 258 RM23 U 0A 163498 13-Nov 13-Nov Run 8 52 373 112 RM23 U 0A 164596 10-Nov 11-Nov 945 RM23 U 0A 164665 26-Nov 28-Nov 859 RM23 U 0A 164666 25-Nov 4-Dec 690 RM23 U 0A 164667 21-Nov 24-Nov Run 9 72 445 99511 381 RM23 U 0A 165358 14-Nov 17-Nov 322 RM23 U 0A 165441 14-Nov Fri 14-Nov Run 10 84 529 935 RM23 U 0A 165899 26-Nov 28-Nov Unknown car Almost 529 certainly 165399 417 RM23 V 0A 166148 17-Nov 17-Nov 614 RM23 V 0A 166252 20-Nov 20-Nov 599 RM23 V 0A 166253 19-Nov 21-Nov 1054 RM23 U 0A 166254 1-Dec 2-Dec Run 11 107 636 99512 ? RM23 U 0A 166407 Joe Ward List ? RM23 U 0A 166711 Joe Ward List 659 RM23 U 0A 167020 20-Nov 24-Nov Unknown car 636 503 RM23 U 0A 167030 18-Nov 20-Nov Unknown car 636 497 RM23 V 0A 167046 18-Nov 18-Nov 653 RM23 V 0A 167146 20-Nov 21-Nov 1408 RM23 U 0A 167147 8-Dec 9-Dec 447 RM23 V 0A 167148 17-Nov 18-Nov 971 RM23 U 0A 167149 28-Nov 1-Dec 1034 RM23 U 0A 167150 1-Dec 2-Dec 838 RM23 U 0A 167166 25-Nov 26-Nov 784 RM23 V 0A 167167 24-Nov 26-Nov Run 12 122 758 ? RM23 U 0A 167714 Jim ? RM23 U 0A 167833 Joe Ward List 1102 RM23 U 0A 167858 2-Dec 3-Dec Unknown car 758 480 RM23 V 0A 167881 18-Nov 18-Nov 693 RM23 V 0A 167968 21-Nov 21-Nov 1055 RM23 U 0A 167969 1-Dec 2-Dec 705 RM23 V 0A 167970 21-Nov 26-Nov Run 13 90 848 ? ? RM23 V 0A 167982 Joe Ward List 669 RM23 V 0A 168702 20-Nov 21-Nov 1129 RM23 V 0A 168772 2-Dec 4-Dec 1044 RM23 U 0A 168773 1-Dec 2-Dec 906 RM23 U 0A 168774 26-Nov 28-Nov 99523 771 RM23 V 0A 168775 24-Nov 8-Dec 99524 835 RM23 U 0A 168776 25-Nov 26-Nov Run 14 75 921 99525 688 RM23 U 0A 169428 21-Nov 21-Nov 1907 RM23 U 0A 169494 16-Dec 18-Dec 603 RM23 V 0A 169495 20-Nov Thu 21-Nov 932 RM23 V 0A 169496 26-Nov 28-Nov 99517 1105 RM23 U 0A 169497 2-Dec 3-Dec ???99519 715 RM23 V 0A 169498 21-Nov 26-Nov Run 15 71 994 99520 751 RM23 U 0A 170160 24-Nov 24-Nov 1094 RM23 U 0A 170235 2-Dec 2-Dec 691 RM23 V 0A 170236 21-Nov 25-Nov 736 RM23 R 0A 170237 21-Nov 24-Nov 694 RM23 V 0A 170238 21-Nov 24-Nov ? 1291 RM23 V 0A 170239 4-Dec 5-Dec Run 16 80 1074 ? 1079 RM23 U 0A 170809 2-Dec 2-Dec 834 RM23 V 0A 170895 25-Nov 26-Nov Run 17 87 1161 99528 830 RM23 V 0A 171573 25-Nov 26-Nov 874 RM23 V 0A 171593 25-Nov 26-Nov 1658 RM23 V 0A 171594 11-Dec 12-Dec 923 RM23 V 0A 171595 26-Nov 2-Dec 877 RM23 V 0A 171596 25-Nov 28-Nov 1216 RM23 U 0A 171597 3-Dec 5-Dec 1238 RM23 U 0A 171679 4-Dec 4-Dec 1355 RM23 U 0A 171680 5-Dec 8-Dec ? RM23 U 0A 171681 Jim Bagshaw ? RM23 ? 0A 171682 Almost Certainly car number 1256 865 RM23 V 0A 171683 25-Nov 28-Nov 1716?2 with smudged type. 99526 1057 RM23 U 0A 171684 1-Dec 2-Dec These duplicated vins could be ???99532 1316 RM23 U 0A 171684 5-Dec 5-Dec 2 legitimate cars - factory mistake? 99530 812 RM23 V 0A 171685 25-Nov 25-Nov Run 18 113 1274 99531 1414 RM23 R 0A 172584 8-Dec 9-Dec 951 RM23 V 0A 172599 28-Nov 28-Nov 1304 RM23 R 0A 172600 5-Dec 5-Dec 99533 1435 RM23 R 0A 172601 8-Dec 10-Dec ??? 968 RM23 V 0A 172602 28-Nov 28-Nov 1426 RM23 R 0A 172603 8-Dec 9-Dec 948 RM23 V 0A 172660 26-Nov 1-Dec 1887 RM23 V 0A 172661 16-Dec 17-Dec Run 19 78 1352 1259 RM23 U 0A 173745 4-Dec 4-Dec 1505 RM23 U 0A 173790 9-Dec 10-Dec Run 20 46 1398 1295 RM23 U 0A 174546 4-Dec 5-Dec 1180 RM23 V 0A 174625 3-Dec 4-Dec Run 21 80 1478 ? RM23 U 0A 174675 Joe Ward List 1763 RM23 U 0A 175139 12-Dec 15-Dec Unknown car 1478 1844 RM23 U 0A 175545 15-Dec 16-Dec 1838 RM23 U 0A 175690 15-Dec 18-Dec 1808 RM23 U 0A 175691 15-Dec 15-Dec 1551 RM23 U 0A 175692 10-Dec 10-Dec 99518 1602 RM23 U 0A 175693 10-Dec 11-Dec 1537 RM23 U 0A 175694 9-Dec 11-Dec Run 22 150 1628 ? RM23 U 0A 176622 Joe Ward List 1711 RM23 U 0A 176656 12-Dec 16-Dec 1493 RM23 U 0A 176678 9-Dec 15-Dec 1521 RM23 U 0A 176679 9-Dec 10-Dec 1769 RM23 U 0A 176680 12-Dec 15-Dec 1764 RM23 U 0A 176681 12-Dec 16-Dec 99538 1743 RM23 U 0A 176682 12-Dec 16-Dec Run 23 27 1655 99539 1848 RM23 U 0A 176714 15-Dec 16-Dec Unknown car 1655 1806 RM23 U 0A 177510 15-Dec 16-Dec Unknown car 1655 1916 RM23 U 0A 177560 16-Dec 18-Dec ? RM23 ? 0A 177599 Unknown Car 1708 RM23 U 0A 177600 12-Dec 16-Dec ? RM23 ? 0A 177601 Unknown Car 1328 RM23 R 0A 177602 5-Dec 11-Dec 1284 RM23 V 0A 177603 4-Dec 5-Dec 1242 RM23 V 0A 177604 4-Dec 4-Dec 1749 RM23 U 0A 177605 12-Dec 16-Dec 1361 RM23 V 0A 177606 5-Dec 9-Dec 1695 RM23 U 0A 177607 12-Dec Fri 15-Dec 1257 RM23 V 0A 177608 4-Dec 5-Dec 1770 RM23 U 0A 177609 12-Dec 15-Dec 1896 RM23 V 0A 177610 16-Dec 16-Dec 1409 RM23 V 0A 177611 8-Dec 8-Dec 1394 RM23 U 0A 177612 8-Dec 9-Dec 1241 RM23 V 0A 177613 4-Dec 4-Dec Run 24 54 1709 1479 RM23 V 0A 178064 9-Dec 9-Dec 1292 RM23 V 0A 178065 4-Dec 8-Dec 1468 RM23 V 0A 178066 9-Dec 9-Dec 1506 RM23 U 0A 178067 9-Dec 10-Dec 1431 RM23 V 0A 178068 8-Dec 8-Dec 1509 RM23 V 0A 178069 9-Dec 10-Dec 1462 RM23 V 0A 178070 9-Dec Tue 10-Dec Run 25 7 1716 ? RM23 U 0A 178532 Joe Ward List 1861 RM23 U 0A 178599 15-Dec 16-Dec Unknown car 1481 RM23 U 0A 178620 9-Dec 9-Dec 1480 RM23 U 0A 178685 9-Dec 10-Dec Run 26 66 1782 1670 RM23 U 0A 178852 11-Dec 15-Dec Unknown car 1120 RM23 U 0A 179186 2-Dec 3-Dec Unknown car 1534 RM23 R 0A 179687 9-Dec 10-Dec 1472 RM23 R 0A 179688 9-Dec 9-Dec 1541 RM23 R 0A 179689 10-Dec 10-Dec 1543 RM23 R 0A 179800 10-Dec 10-Dec Run 27 114 1896 1812 RM23 R 0A 180651 15-Dec 15-Dec 1659 RM23 V 0A 180652 11-Dec 12-Dec 1790 RM23 U 0A 180653 15-Dec 16-Dec 1741 RM23 U 0A 180654 12-Dec 16-Dec 1901 RM23 V 0A 180655 16-Dec 18-Dec 1628 RM23 V 0A 180656 11-Dec 11-Dec Run 28 6 1902 1886 RM23 V 0A 181252 16-Dec 17-Dec 1771 RM23 U 0A 181274 12-Dec 15-Dec Run 29 23 1925 823 RM23 V 0A 1715623 25-Nov 171623 26-Nov Almost certainly missing number 171623 Total 1925 This 1925 total is 1914 RM23 U 0A 1745798 16-Dec 174579 17-Dec reached if all the Almost certainly missing number 174579 vin numbers from all the "runs" are 199 RM23 U 0A 16088? 12-Nov 160688 13-Nov added up and all Almost certainly missing number 160688 the duplicates, missing and outside 1256 RM23 U 0A 1716?2 4-Dec 171884 4-Dec run vins are ignored. Almost certainly missing number 171682