Superbird Daily flow at Clairpointe
Greetings All,As you all know, once the Superbird NASCAR list data is entered into a spreadsheet, it can be sorted in a wide variety of ways. The data below is a combination of the data after it has been sorted two different ways. Sorting the NASCAR list by date of arrival at Clairpointe is easy - that is how it was originally put together. I then sorted the data by the date the individual cars were shipped out. Then I combined the two runs of data to give a picture of what the quantity of cars at the Clairpointe Plant would have been each day.New information is surfacing all the time. Maybe someone can cross reference this with shipping data.
The listing to the right is a rough estimate and should be considered accurate to within plus or minus 5 cars. Some of the cars were returned to Lynch Road for repairs and then returned to Clairpointe. I did not try to allow for this movement. Also, there is a 1 car day in the middle of the run. I believe this was a typo. As has been discussed, the NASCAR list has a number of potential errors in it. I have not tried to incorporate any solutions to those errors in this data. This data is a straight forward reflection of what is found in the list.
A great deal of data keeps surfacing. Someone recently unearthed a number of documents relating to these cars. Please click on the link below for a look at the an internal letter detailing the shipment of cars by region and sub-region.
I have not met either of these gentlemen in person but they are known in the aero-car world and, as you will see from their website, have extensive knowledge of the history of these cars.It would be very interesting if some corrolation between the "J numbers", quantity shipped per day and the quantity shipped to a given region were to surface.With 1850 as the quantity of cars assigned to US regions all we need to know is the number of Superbirds built for export and we have another key piece of the puzzle. I am placing my bets on 75 export cars and 10 "other" cars.